The picture shows a honeycomb and bees.

New space concepts for more biodiversity

In addition to the long-term performance of our real estate funds, we also always aim to give a sustainable direction to our properties for the benefit of the environment and society. Small-scale regional projects, such as our bee colony in Luxembourg, are part of that. At Atrium Park Business Park, a building complex managed by Deka Immobilien in the Bertrange area, we have partnered with a local beekeeper to set up beehives as part of a larger outdoor planting project. Thanks to the beekeeper’s hard work and care, the bee colony is thriving.

It’s a great feeling to be involved in a project that enables us to contribute to a healthy ecosystem together and provide our tenants with organic honey made by bees from our own region.

Anne-Kristin Bloemen Asset Manager BeLux

Putting biodiversity first

The ever-increasing sprawl of our cities inevitably leads to fewer green spaces and therefore a loss of habitat for flora and fauna. Many cities and municipalities are counteracting this trend by taking various measures. Requirements for outdoor facilities are becoming more important, roofs are increasingly being greened, and tree planting initiatives are being launched. Conditions like these have led to a partnership with a local beekeeper at the Atrium Business Park in Luxembourg. Beehives were introduced in order to contribute to protecting the environment and gain the business park’s tenants as bee sponsors.

Good for the (office) climate

The extensive area around the Atrium Business Park buildings was greened in 2019 and 2020 with approximately 10,000 bee-friendly plants. Bees have become an integral part of the green areas at many of Deka’s real estate locations. The Atrium Business Park followed suit in 2020 by setting up two colonies with over 50,000 bees, which now go about their day-to-day business there.

To fill a jar of honey, the bees must visit five million flowers. On average, the two colonies produce around one hundred 250 g jars of honey each year.

A lavender plant is positioned front right, with several bees in the foreground. A grassy area is in the background, with two beehive boxes coloured blue, red and yellow.

Atrium Business Park receives BREEAM In-Use Excellent rating

The Atrium Business Park has numerous other impressive sustainability features. Thanks to our asset management team, the property has continuously received BREEAM In-Use Excellent certification since 2017 – and even improved its overall score. Alongside strong characteristics in the areas of health, well-being and energy, the complex has good connections to local public transport and an effective waste management system. Care is also taken in conversion and renovation projects to ensure the use of environmentally friendly materials and the installation of energy-efficient technology.

Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Icon of a tree and birds on a green background. At the top left is the number 15. To the right of the number are the words “life on land”.

15 Life on land

The comprehensive planting project and introduction of beehives address this UN goal in particular.