The picture shows nine people at a meeting, sitting around a table in office space.

Sustainable together. With good reason.

Sustainability has been an integral part of Deka Immobilien’s business for many years and is reflected in our actions every day. Embedded in the Deka Group’s sustainability strategy, Deka Immobilien has developed its own sustainability strategy based on the “Sustainable together. With good reason.” principle.

As the Deka Group’s real estate specialist, we aim to be one of the leading providers of sustainable open-ended real estate funds. In doing so, we attach great importance to sustainable standards and take our responsibility towards future generations seriously. Our mission as a trustee is also to manage our investors’ funds within an economically, ecologically and socially sustainable business profile.

Mitigating global warming has become one of the most important challenges. With roughly 600 properties, we can make a major contribution towards creating a sustainable environment. That is why we are continuously strengthening our efforts and activities in the area of environmental protection. We mobilise our innovative strength to achieve our sustainability goals: reducing our ecological footprint and attaining climate neutrality by 2050.

Our sustainability strategy as PDF

As a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), we are convinced that including provisions regarding the environment (environmental and climate protection), social commitment and governance (responsible corporate governance) – in short: ESG – contributes to positive long-term value for our customers. Our actions are guided by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Agenda 2030, and we align our measures with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.


Let us show you how we, the Deka Group’s real estate specialists, are working towards our sustainability goals.

We consciously choose which resources are available to us and use sparingly.

We solve the problems of our generation through innovative ideas and do not burden future generations.

We set an example for sustainable action and show that sustainability is the future.

Building on these principles, we have defined the following environmental goals for our actions at Deka Immobilien:


  • The icon shows a leaf in green lines against a white background.

    Climate neutral by 2050

    In line with the Paris Agreement on climate change, we aim to limit global warming to below 2°C based on pre-industrial levels and make all our business activities and our entire portfolio climate-neutral by 2050.

    In relation to our portfolio, this means that we continuously measure and validate the CO2 emissions and energy consumption of the individual properties and take appropriate measures to reduce consumption and emissions at an early stage.

  • The icon for the expansion of sustainable product ranges shows a triangle, a square and a circle in green lines against a white background.

    Expansion of sustainable product ranges

    Deka Immobilien aims to sell a majority of sustainable products (measured by total assets) by the end of 2021. We will also report on their degree of taxonomy compliance and steadily increase this figure up to 2030.

  • The symbol for maintaining our certification strategy shows a small and a large hexagonal emblem. The large emblem bears a flag. Both are shown in green lines against a white background.

    Maintaining our certification strategy

    We have been pursuing a certification strategy for our existing buildings since 2010. Certifications allow us to continuously identify optimisation potential in and on our properties and to systematically incorporate this into our action planning. The results are impressive: Today we have one of the highest certification rates (in relation to market value) in the market. However, instead of resting on our laurels, we remain committed to pursuing our certification strategy.

  • The symbol for Inclusion of green leases in rental and lease agreements shows a document and a pen. Both are shown in green lines against a white background.

    Inclusion of green leases in rental and lease agreements

    Green clauses in rental and lease agreements are becoming increasingly important in order to bring about a sustainable change in building operations. At Deka, we have integrated green lease criteria as optional clauses in the annexes to our standard leases and discuss them with tenants during lease negotiations. The aim is to open the dialogue with our tenants about sustainability-related aspects.

  • The icon for improving energy efficiency shows a green battery against a white background.

    Improving energy efficiency

    We work tirelessly to implement structural measures geared towards improving energy efficiency in building operations. For example, energy efficiency measures for suitable portfolio properties must be continuously analysed and, if necessary, implemented to reduce consumption levels and minimise CO2 emissions in the properties.